Monday, February 13, 2012

A Brother and Sister's Love

I have to say that we have some awesome kids! Yes, they are 2 years old and 9 months old, but they are just amazing! There are countless times when they would do something that would cause me and Phil to look at each other and say, did you teach them that?

Do they upset us at times? Yes, what kid doesn't upset their parents here and there? But there would be times where we have to hold back our smile and laughter while disciplining because they would just melt our hearts with a look or action of just pure innocence.

Their love for each other also is just so amazing. I watched Fe this weekend just follow Ty everywhere. Since she has become more mobile and more independent, she knows now that she can follow her big brother pretty much all through the house. I was shocked when they both went crawling, Ty loves doing that. I think it's his way of playing with her. Anyways, they go crawling into Ty's room, the next thing I hear is the doors closing and just noise. I immediately jumped up and ran into the room. There they sat, in front of Ty's toys chest just taking out toys and with this look of, yes daddy, everything ok? Then Fe flashes this big smile. I just smiled back, told Ty, play gently. Then I closed the doors and sat back down. When they were done, they came out.

*Sigh* That's our kids for you. Every time we look back at their baby pictures, we are just in disbelief that these were those tiny little things 2 years and 9 months ago.
