Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Body Week 27

♫My God is an Awesome God
He reigns on heaven and earth
With wisdom, power and love
My God is an Awesome God♫

I woke up this morning with that song in my head, and the next thing I know Chris comes into the room and says Happy 3rd Trimester. Awesome way to start the day. I hope the rest is sunshine and roses also.

Well today beings week 27 is this awesome pregnancy journey and I feel so blessed each day that I am on bed rest. Why you ask? Because each day I am on bed rest is another day Ty is still cooking and not coming out before his time.

As you may have already read, this weekend one of the nurses phoned to inform me of a bacteria present in my urine test. I have been on the antibiotics now for almost 5 complete days and I am happy to say there are no side effects at all. I am one of those people that get at least 75% of those nasty side effects that medications warn you about.

I am also down to like 4-5 of those painless braxton hicks contractions I was so concerned about earlier. I guess it shows that this whole being in bed thing and resting does actually pay off.

Thanks to everyone so far that has voted on our new baby contest. If you haven't done so yet check out the link on the top right corner. It is fun.

Peace Out

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