He has done very well at bed time, and so we figure its time to start the next stage. Of course our main concern is when he wakes up sometimes in the middle of the night, he will now have to freedom to just get out of bed and free roam. Well, that's where the gate comes into play. We'll use that to help with the teaching process.You know what we have come to understand, it's that for young kids, routine is essential. So, that's what we will need to establish, a new, or rather adjusted routine.
The next couple of days, the room will under go some transformation. We are not in our home yet, but maybe we'll do a little more decorating. Incorporate some blue and pink color. Some jungle lady bug themes. I don't know, we'll come up with something. We'll make sure we take pictures.
Here comes change, ready or not. *smile*
Baby you are so cute. Together with the power, grace and peace of God we all (including Ty) will be ready for the change.