I am so excited to share with you that our little lady bug has finally made her grand entrance into the world of the breathing. She couldn't have chosen a more beautiful day. Let me start my story first thing in the morning.
I woke up just a little after seven o'clock in the morning to a full bed. Ty, the little monkey he is, woke up and needed to come join us. I laid there for a bit enjoying their snoring symphony then finally remembered that the day before we were having some nice contractions and that we were getting closer. So many people that I work with claimed baby Fé would come this weekend so I was very hopeful. While laying there I had one contraction but then throughout the morning again they were coming very sporadic. So once everyone woke up we all agreed a walk was in order, especially Ty.
We walk to the park down the road and on the way there had contractions every 3-4 minutes, very good pattern. We let Ty play on the play ground for a bit as I continued to walk and contract around the play ground. They started to get more intense so we decided it was time to head back home to call the midwife and see if we should head in. She confirmed so I headed to the shower while Chris confirmed all the stuff we needed were in the car. Ty fell asleep so we had Chris' parents meet us at the house to hang with him till he woke up and they could all join us at the hospital. After a quick tuna sandwich we headed out.
Praise Jesus on the way to the hospital I only had one contraction. So glad the hospital is so close to our home. When we got in and got checked we were already at 6 cm. We got monitored for about 30 minutes before being moved the actual room in which Fé would be born. Once we were situated the contractions started to really come harder and more frequent. I will be completely honest, no matter how much I know I wanted to have a natural delivery, each contraction I experienced made me seriously consider the logic behind that decision. To the point where one of the last contractions I experienced I was yelling at Chris that I needed an epidural right now and how much this hurt far more than when I delivered Ty.
I can vividly remember the intense pain of the last contraction when I knew that she was ready to come. The pressure was so crazy I felt the bottom half of my body was going to fall off. I told the midwife I think she is ready and we moved on to the bed. She checked me over and said yes it was time to push. My water hadn't broken yet so she got the tools ready for that but just as she was going to do break it, it broke all on its own. But then the fun really started because I had the strong urge to push and couldn't stop. Poor thing, she kept trying to get me to listen to her and focus and slow down, but my body just took over and I couldn't stop anything. Three quick uncontrollable strong pushes and out came first partial head, then her whole head, then her whole body. It all happened so fast I don't think she was able to fully say ... stop pushing.
And Fé was born. She was quiet for a minute then she started exercising those lungs of hers. Chris got to cut the cord. Oh side note, the cord was wrapped around her neck once but it didn't have any effect on her at all. She has been feedding like a champ, having great diaper changes and passing all her test.
Thankfully, Chris and I get to go home in just 24 hours after her birth which is soon. So we are packing up and getting ready to go home.