Friday, October 7, 2011

We Are Moving!!!

I am so thankful that my family decided that we were going to serve the one and only truly amazing God! A God who knows how to move mountains and perform jaw dropping miracles.

For a few weeks Chris and I have been prayerfully seeking an opportunity to upgrade our living situation to accommodate our expanded family. We know one day the kids would want rooms of their own. Sharing with a boy who has cooties is unacceptable for a princess of Fé's magnitude.

Well God worked his wonders ones more time in our lives. He opened up doors for us to move into a home that is again (similar to our current pad) owned by a family that we know, love and trust.

And when I say that this house is amazing, I am not doing it enough justice. It is one of the most adorable and spacious homes I can say I have ever lived in. It has more storage space and living space then we have furniture to fill. And the yard space is ....

( this big )

Once we get in a get settled we are going to share some pictures but wanted to just let you know the news.


  1. Yeah Melanie. It's just about 5 miles down the road. Best part (well one of the best) is that it cuts out 20 minutes of Chris' now hour 15 minute drive.
