Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

This mothers day I got a chance to sit down for a few moments and reflect on a few highlights that I enjoy about being a mother. Here are a few.

I love how being a mother as brought me amazingly closer to God. I knew that I needed Jesus and His strength before but now I truly understand what that means. I depend on Him more daily then I ever have before.

I have a new respect for my mother and all she must have endured raising me and my brothers.

I have a better sense of value and appreciation of time and boundaries. Ty and Fè have both grown like weeds and I can't imagine missing any of it. I am more determined not to allow anything to come in between my time and commitment to them.

I also am learning just how important it is for them that Chris and I take some private time alone to reconnect with each other. With God as our glue our marriage is the core of the family and we must nurture is as much as possible. I truly enjoy our date nights together.

I really enjoy watching how quickly and just how much these little sponges are learning each day. I can honestly say I don't think I was as smart as they are at this age. They are so observant and apply what they learn in the most amazing ways.

I love watching the bonds and friendships they are making. Praying they learn early the value of good friends and how to support and protect each other.

And I love knowing that they are growing in a home and church that is flooded in God's everlasting presence and love.


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