Chris and I decided we were have just way too much fun trying to figure out what the baby was going to be on our own. We wanted to find a way to make sure all of you could join the fun also. So we have created a baby gender poll so we can all pitch in and vote for the baby's sex.
So what do you think we will be having, a boy or a girl? We have our own ideas but we want to hear from you. We will close the poll and give the final results on the morning of our 20 week ultrasound. We don't know the date of the appointment yet but as soon as we do we will let you know. To give you an estimate, we will be at 20 weeks on May 6, so any time around then.
To make this even more exciting Chris and I have decided to make this a nice little contest. The prize to be won will be your very own, creatively designed T-Shirt with the baby's name, our name, your name and something cute like.
To enter the contest you must:
1. Choose your gender on the poll to the right and hit vote. If you want, you can see the current results of all the votes submitted so far.
2. Make a comment on this post telling us what gender you choose and what you would like the baby to be named with that gender. We have some names chosen but we are curious to know what you think and still open for ideas.
3. We are opening this fun contest to family and friends. It's just easier and will help cut down on random strangers voting.
4. And that is it.
On the day of the ultrasound when we find out the gender we will close the voting and chose a winner. We will chose a winner out of the correct votes. For instance, if it is a girl all the people who voted for a girl will be put in a hat and the winner drawn. (We will video tape it so it is fair :) ) If you chose boy, then you will not be included in the drawing. And it if is going to be a boy then it will be reversed.
Sound Good!!! I hope so, enjoy, have fun and Good Luck!!!!
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Our 3rd Prenatal Visit
We are in the 2nd trimester and about 4 weeks ago we had our 2nd prenatal visit. Well, what felt like the longest 4 weeks in our lives finally came and we had our 3rd prenatal visit. We were all excited like kids waiting for Christmas. We had all our documents in order, like Phil always has. We had all the questions we wanted to ask. I mean, we had 4 weeks to think about them. Plus, every day we are watching the Discovery Health channel and baby stuff, so we always seem to have questions there and all we do then is write them down. And we were off. Appointment was at 9am.
So we got there, checked in, and waited to see the doctor. While waiting, we are racking our brains for other questions we might have missed or just thought of. Also, we are playing with the kids in the waiting room. Cute. Finally, we are in! I wait in the room while Phil goes off and does her vitals and stuff and comes back. The doctor...or wait, she was a Nurse Practitioner, comes in and we were like, wait a second, you're not the person we have been seeing! I guess people are allowed to have a day off too. But this NP was pretty down to earth and cool. She was lively and made us feel very comfortable and when we brought out our note pad with many questions, she just sat back and said shoot let's hear the questions. She likes questions :) All in all, we got all our questions answered and we were good.
Finally she said the words we have been waiting for for like 4 weeks, LET'S HEAR THAT BABY'S HEART BEAT. YYYEEESSSSS!!!! Finally :)
So she pulls out her Doppler, squeezes the cold gel on Phil's stomach and we were off. At first nothing. She reassures us that sometimes when the baby is positioned in a certain way, it's sometimes difficult to hear off the back. But then, there was the very familiar and welcoming sound we have come to just love, our baby's heart beat. There it was, thumping away interrupted by whooshes and knocks and cracks. I just thought that it was the Doppler, but the NP said, wow you have an active baby. All those the sounds along with the heart beat was the sound of our little one moving around. I guess he didn't care to be bothered. And I say he, because well we don't know yet, and I refuse to say it.
I took a video which I hope you can hear the NP as she explains the different sounds you hear from the Doppler. You'll hear the baby's heart, the baby's movement, and she showed us the difference between the baby's heart beat and Phil's heart beat which you heard through the placenta.
So, the next prenatal visit is in *sigh* another 4 weeks and very shortly after that we'll have the longer more detailed ultrasound to measure the baby and see what we are having. EXCITED!!!
In the mean time, take our poll. What do you think we are having? Boy or Girl?
Ok, here is the video. Enjoy.
Peace Out Folks
Chris C
So we got there, checked in, and waited to see the doctor. While waiting, we are racking our brains for other questions we might have missed or just thought of. Also, we are playing with the kids in the waiting room. Cute. Finally, we are in! I wait in the room while Phil goes off and does her vitals and stuff and comes back. The doctor...or wait, she was a Nurse Practitioner, comes in and we were like, wait a second, you're not the person we have been seeing! I guess people are allowed to have a day off too. But this NP was pretty down to earth and cool. She was lively and made us feel very comfortable and when we brought out our note pad with many questions, she just sat back and said shoot let's hear the questions. She likes questions :) All in all, we got all our questions answered and we were good.
Finally she said the words we have been waiting for for like 4 weeks, LET'S HEAR THAT BABY'S HEART BEAT. YYYEEESSSSS!!!! Finally :)
So she pulls out her Doppler, squeezes the cold gel on Phil's stomach and we were off. At first nothing. She reassures us that sometimes when the baby is positioned in a certain way, it's sometimes difficult to hear off the back. But then, there was the very familiar and welcoming sound we have come to just love, our baby's heart beat. There it was, thumping away interrupted by whooshes and knocks and cracks. I just thought that it was the Doppler, but the NP said, wow you have an active baby. All those the sounds along with the heart beat was the sound of our little one moving around. I guess he didn't care to be bothered. And I say he, because well we don't know yet, and I refuse to say it.
I took a video which I hope you can hear the NP as she explains the different sounds you hear from the Doppler. You'll hear the baby's heart, the baby's movement, and she showed us the difference between the baby's heart beat and Phil's heart beat which you heard through the placenta.
So, the next prenatal visit is in *sigh* another 4 weeks and very shortly after that we'll have the longer more detailed ultrasound to measure the baby and see what we are having. EXCITED!!!
In the mean time, take our poll. What do you think we are having? Boy or Girl?
Ok, here is the video. Enjoy.
Peace Out Folks
Chris C
Chris and I have been doing some research and we found the two areas where we will probably be registering for our up coming baby showers. It is awesome having such loving and caring families. Here in Orlando my mom and my cousin are working hard putting together a shower for me in July. Meanwhile in Maryland my great sister in law is working away on a shower for me there in June. Can't wait for them both. But in order to help them prepare Chris and I have to actual go to the store and start registering for the different items we are going to need for the new baby. We haven't bought a thing yet (but then again we are only 14 weeks so we have plenty of time). Each time we go to the stores I get the urge to buy a little shirt or blanket or something but I have to fight the urge. I want to wait until after the shower and allow my friends and family to get what they want first. We find out what we are having in the beginning of May so until then we will just put the regular generic stuff on our lists.
Well get ready to find us on Baby's R Us and Target soon. See ya!
Peace Out!
Philippa Channer
Well get ready to find us on Baby's R Us and Target soon. See ya!
Peace Out!
Philippa Channer
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My Body Week 14

Here is what has to say about our great milestone at week 14.
As for me, I am doing really good so this entry is going to be really short. I have been very active since I got so much energy back. I have been able to help around the house more and get some work done. Since I have stopped drinking milk in the mornings I have no heartburn or gas problems like before. I am still gassy here and there but no where near as bad.
Looking forward to our next doctors appointment next week. Then we should be either getting information about testing or actually doing the testing to determine if there are any genetic issues with the baby. Keep you posted.
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Philippa Channer
Monday, March 23, 2009
Changes Had To Be Made
I just wanted to share with everyone that we had to make a huge decision and gave our cat up for adoption. It was a lot harder then I thought it would be, but it had to be done. Chris and I drove her there this afternoon and filled out the paperwork we needed. I think on the car ride there she knew what was happening. It was so sad. We are going to miss her. We had several reasons why we had to do it, but none of them mattered when we were saying our good byes. At least we have loads of pictures to remember her. Koneko 'Kitty' Channer.
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Philippa Channer
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Week 13 Belly Shot...
Well actually, we are heading into our 14th week, which means our 2nd trimester. This is a very exciting time for us. We consider the Wednesday of every week as a new week, right now we are 13 weeks and 4 days and counting. What I might start to do is spread out the pictures alittle, so we can see some dramatic changes, like this one. I was looking back and the last picture we took at 10 weeks and there is a definite change. I'm also going to try my hands at making the pictures look alot nicer. You know try my hands at being all professional and that :)
Next week Tuesday will be our 3rd prenatal doctor visit and I know both of us are very excited. We want to check up on our little one and make sure alls well. We'll let you know how that goes.
Lord, please continue to give our little one, Your Gift, strength and healthy growth and continue to be with Phil and I. Thank You. Amen.

Peace Out Folks
Chris C.
Next week Tuesday will be our 3rd prenatal doctor visit and I know both of us are very excited. We want to check up on our little one and make sure alls well. We'll let you know how that goes.
Lord, please continue to give our little one, Your Gift, strength and healthy growth and continue to be with Phil and I. Thank You. Amen.
Peace Out Folks
Chris C.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Medicaid Scare
Just some FYI. A few weeks back we were having some issues with our Medicaid application. For those of you who don't know Medicaid provides you coverage in the event that you become pregnant and don't have the means to financial afford the pregnancy. Florida's medicaid program is actually pretty nice, all my appointments and the delivery are covered 100% and any baby visits afterwards. Sweet.
Well the Florida Department of Children and Families is the party to accept or deny the applications and they are very picky. Something on one sheet of my application was not complete and they had rejected the entire thing. Well after weeks of worry and trips to the office it is finally cleared up and myself and the baby are covered. Once less thing to be concerned about :).
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Well the Florida Department of Children and Families is the party to accept or deny the applications and they are very picky. Something on one sheet of my application was not complete and they had rejected the entire thing. Well after weeks of worry and trips to the office it is finally cleared up and myself and the baby are covered. Once less thing to be concerned about :).
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Friday, March 20, 2009
Virtual Baby Shower: Contest
Lisa of has posted a contest this week offering a prize of a pregnancy pillow. Utterly Yours: For Happier Mothers and Babies has an awesome pillow designed to help pregnant women find a more comfortable sleeping position each night. Good luck to me ... hope I win.
Check out the contest and how you can enter also here:
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Check out the contest and how you can enter also here:
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My Body Week 13

Here is what the has to say about our 13th week of pregnancy ... lots have happened in the past few weeks ... exciting developments.
As for me, I am loads better and getting stronger each day. I have a lot more energy and will power to do stuff. I still take naps in the afternoon or early evening ... okay not really naps ... I sleep for at least 2 hours or more. But the level of energy when I am awake is great. I can actually get up and do some cleaning and help around the house in the mornings and afternoons. And I have even started to get back into using our Wii Fit game. I was actually sore the first few days after I started. That is awesome because I know that it will benefit me now and later after the baby is born. I am so scared at the possibility of not being able to take off my baby weight. I know pretty lame ... but I am.
Lets see ... what else is up. Oh oh my heartburn problems ... well I think I have that tamed now. You see I have been eating cereal pretty regularly each morning and my problems would start shortly after eating. Something hit me early this week and I thought to myself maybe my body is starting to have problems with the milk. So I decided for the next few days I wouldn't have any milk in the morning and sure enough my heartburn has almost disappeared. Late at night maybe right before I got to bed I may have a few small waves of burning but nothing compared to before. I know I need my calcium though so I am thinking of getting some pills to take along with the prenatal vitamins each day.
And the last thing I can think of that is new is I am starting to have problems with my lower back, upper right check which Chris and I believe to be my Sciatica Nerve. Chris has a book for expecting fathers that talks about it and say it is common and gives ways for dads to comfort and massage their wives. So I am looking forward to that. Sometimes it is worse then others but mostly it is still bearable.
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Philippa Channer
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Mellowed Out
Just a quick post to say that finally things are calming down and mellowing out for me. This pregnancy thing doesn't seem all that bad any more. The heartburn is still kicking my butt and I know it isn't going to get any better but worse as it goes on but its for a good cause.
Chris and I were looking into and would love to rent one of the Doppler meters for a few months so we can have fun and hear the heartbeat whenever we want. Just hope we can get the money for it soon.
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Chris and I were looking into and would love to rent one of the Doppler meters for a few months so we can have fun and hear the heartbeat whenever we want. Just hope we can get the money for it soon.
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Saturday, March 14, 2009
So Amazing
That's what child birth is, simple Amazing and Awesome. We got in this morning around 2am for the 2nd night in a row. We were at the hospital, being moral support for our cousin Karsten and his wife Michelle while they awaited their bundle of joy Jannelle. We were there from Thursday night when she was first admitted, then we went home and returned about 3pm Friday afternoon then left and came back at 7pm when she was 9cm and the time was getting closer.
From there, we just hung out with them and his sister Kristian, and we laughed and talked and just had a great time know what, the waiting really didn't feel that long. I think cause we were so occupied. Michelle, well, she went in and out of sleep. Good cause she would need her energy. Oh and our nurse, Brenda, she was just great. Thanks Brenda. I hope our nurse will be that caring and nice.
So, from 7pm til 12am, she went from 9cm to 9 1/2 cm to finally 10cm, then it was time to push. Oh my goodness, the last hour was like waiting for New Year's. We played hangman to pass the time on dry erase board. So, in came the nurse, and out we went to wait in the waiting area. Kristina got to stay and watch the delivery. You go aunty.
About 1:15am or so, we got the announcement. Baby Jannelle Ashley Ross was born!!!! 6lbs 13oz and just beautiful. We went in with the rest of the family and there she was in her daddy's arms. Mommy was on the bed snacking getting some well deserved nourishment. We gave her a hug and kiss. Jannelle is so cute. Funny thing was that when the nurse came to give her her first shots and medicine, it took daddy awhile to put her in the hands of the nurse. I mean, could you blame him?
Well folks, here are some of the pictures from last night, or rather this morning.
I can't wait till our little one gets here. While walking to the elevator, the scenes replayed in my head, and I was almost to tears with joy.
Anyways, Simple Amazing and Awesome. God, You are so Good.
Peace Out Folks
Chris C.

From there, we just hung out with them and his sister Kristian, and we laughed and talked and just had a great time know what, the waiting really didn't feel that long. I think cause we were so occupied. Michelle, well, she went in and out of sleep. Good cause she would need her energy. Oh and our nurse, Brenda, she was just great. Thanks Brenda. I hope our nurse will be that caring and nice.
So, from 7pm til 12am, she went from 9cm to 9 1/2 cm to finally 10cm, then it was time to push. Oh my goodness, the last hour was like waiting for New Year's. We played hangman to pass the time on dry erase board. So, in came the nurse, and out we went to wait in the waiting area. Kristina got to stay and watch the delivery. You go aunty.
About 1:15am or so, we got the announcement. Baby Jannelle Ashley Ross was born!!!! 6lbs 13oz and just beautiful. We went in with the rest of the family and there she was in her daddy's arms. Mommy was on the bed snacking getting some well deserved nourishment. We gave her a hug and kiss. Jannelle is so cute. Funny thing was that when the nurse came to give her her first shots and medicine, it took daddy awhile to put her in the hands of the nurse. I mean, could you blame him?
Well folks, here are some of the pictures from last night, or rather this morning.
I can't wait till our little one gets here. While walking to the elevator, the scenes replayed in my head, and I was almost to tears with joy.
Anyways, Simple Amazing and Awesome. God, You are so Good.
Peace Out Folks
Chris C.
My Body Week 12

This week we passed a huge milestone in our baby journey. We finally reached 12 weeks and the risk of anything happening has been reduced. Now it is all up to our genetics and stuff to be in line. Here is what has to say about week 12.
As for me:
I am getting a lot better now, just like all the books and shows promised (unless it is all just mental and I am only willing it to happen). I haven't been nauseous in some time and I have a little more energy. I could use a lot more energy but anything more is good for me now.
Most of the other annoying symptoms have disappeared but now I am left with a daily case of gas and heartburn. It gets progressively worse through out the day and after each meal. So if you want to catch me at my happiest, call me around 9am before I eat anything.
I also feel so RELIEVED! We finally shared our news with the world so no more secrets. And it is awesome to receive all the love and prayers from our friends and family. THANKS GUYS!!!
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Philippa Channer
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Welcome New Comers
Hey folks. For most of you this is your first time visiting our baby blog. I wanted to give you all a warm welcome and thanks for the love and support. We started this journey a few weeks back so if you are interested in knowing what we have been through since day one you will have to read back a few entries. Otherwise you can enjoy our time from here on out.
Thanks for stopping by. See you soon!
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Thanks for stopping by. See you soon!
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Baby Announcement
The time is almost here when I can share the news with the world about our special delivery. I spent a bit of time this morning looking online for one of those free online greeting cards that you can send and I didn't find any that were free let along cute. So I set out, with Chris' help to create a file all of my own. It seems that I can't upload the file like it is in PowerPoint but here is the still image. You will have to miss out on all the animation :( there's music too. This is what I will email to everyone on Thursday.

Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Monday, March 9, 2009
I'm Getting Smushed
If my stomach already feels this smushed ... wait till September when I am huge and this picture is me. Just look how small all the organs get. This is crazy ... really ... is this safe?

Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Getting Over It
This weekend I discovered I had what I think was the flu. I had the swore itchy throat, the fever and migraine head ache, oh and stuff nose. But now the worse is finally over and I am getting better. Now I just have a burny nose and slight head head but I am up and working and getting on with it.
The hardest part was being concerned about what effect this would have on the baby and what medications I could or couldn't take to help pass the time. The hardest part was because it was the weekend and we couldn't just call our doctors office. In the end I took Robitussin for the cold part and Tylenol for the fever. Small doses, not the full strength so recovery was a little longer. But lots of fluids and rest helped also. As far as I know baby and I are fine ... and so far Chris has not gotten sick ... YEAH!!!
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
The hardest part was being concerned about what effect this would have on the baby and what medications I could or couldn't take to help pass the time. The hardest part was because it was the weekend and we couldn't just call our doctors office. In the end I took Robitussin for the cold part and Tylenol for the fever. Small doses, not the full strength so recovery was a little longer. But lots of fluids and rest helped also. As far as I know baby and I are fine ... and so far Chris has not gotten sick ... YEAH!!!
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Thursday, March 5, 2009
My Body Week #11

Here is what has to say about week 11 of our pregnancy.
As for me I am starting to feel a lot better.
I am still sleepy but it isn't as bad. Most days I am still taking naps but it helps and I don't feel as tired throughout the day. I do get super exhausted really fast when I try to do stuff around the house though. But I know that the more I push myself the more I can take ... just like working out and exercising.
Haven't been nauseous in a while now which I just love. No vomit. Still light headed occasionally but nothing bad.
I am super duper gassy though, from both ends. Some days more then others (today is bad). It can be irritating at times.
Heartburn is starting to be a common thing also. Especially later on in the day close to when I want to relax and sleep.
Other then that, still enjoying the ride and can't wait to see what else is in store. Next doc appointment in 4 weeks, seems forever but I guess it isn't too bad.
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Philippa Channer
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Our 2nd Prenatal Visit
Well folks, today was the 2nd of our prenatal visits. We are happy to say that everything is all good. Thank You Lord. Today's visit was more about going over the results of all the tests that were done at the 1st prenatal visit about 2 wks ago. The doctor said that Phil was all good, the tests were all negative, which is good :), and well most of all the baby is good. We will be at 11 weeks now come tomorrow, and the best part is that we were able to hear the heart beat again and it is beating strong and great.
The doctor was able to do this with the help of an instrument called a Doppler stethoscope. She gelled up Phil's abdomen and then the instrument amplifies the sound. At first, it sounds kinda like static from a radio, but then all of a sudden, you start to hear this little fast thumping sound. That was the sound of our baby's heart! It truly is incredible what technology allows us to do in this day and age. The doctor measured the heart beat at 160 bpm. That's fast for us, but not for the tiny little fetus which is about the size of a kumquat, a little over an inch or so long, that was just right.
Anyway, we have our next appointment in 4 weeks. It's going to seem like forever the wait. *sigh* But look at it this way, next week we will be at 12 wks, 3 months!!! Wow!!
Lord, I pray and ask for health and strength with Phil and our little gift from You. Amen.
Here's a short video of the heart beat one more time. Thanks Dr. Kelly.
Peace Out Folks
Chris C.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Embarrasing Pregnancy Symptoms
Found this article on and I thought I would share with you regarding pregnancy and the side effects not often shared. I found all of these the hard way. I will be nice and make sure to share this with all my friends before they get pregnant themselves.
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Fun in the Sun
This weekend we took our baby to its first beach trip.
Okay so the baby didn't actually get the experience anything, but mommy did and she loved it. The weather was around 82 degrees and the water around 67 degrees. A little chilly at first but after a few moments it was the greatest thing ever. Especially the second time back in the water even felt warm (to me). Can't wait to go back. I am hoping that later on, during the spring we can get year passes to Wet N Wild because I think swimming will be my favorite activity during this hot pregnant summer.
Here are a few pics of the happy family.
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer

Okay so the baby didn't actually get the experience anything, but mommy did and she loved it. The weather was around 82 degrees and the water around 67 degrees. A little chilly at first but after a few moments it was the greatest thing ever. Especially the second time back in the water even felt warm (to me). Can't wait to go back. I am hoping that later on, during the spring we can get year passes to Wet N Wild because I think swimming will be my favorite activity during this hot pregnant summer.
Here are a few pics of the happy family.
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
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