There are a few items that I have been enjoying lately and tend to have at least one of these every day. I wouldn't necessarily call any of these cravings but they just seemed to really taste good now.
1. Fruits & Veggies: If you have known me, you know I have always enjoyed my fruits and veggies but I have been really seeking them out now. There is no one item that I want more but if I had only one of each to chose from here on out I would say corn for the veggie and watermelon for the fruit.
2. Grilled cheese sandwiches: I used to love these as a kid and then just stopped eating them. Chris and I went to lunch a few months back in Winter Park and I had soup and a good ole grill cheese with ham. It was the greatest. Now I would say I have a grilled cheese sandwich at least 4 days a week. Chris has almost perfected the art of the grilled cheese.
3. Popsicles: One thing I noticed that has changed (I thought it would be fixed with the 2nd trimester) is that my taste buds are really different now. Things I used to drink and love just don't taste the same to me any more. There are times even water has a bad taste to me. I have found that Popsicles though tend to taste the same and are a great thirst quencher when I am thirsty but don't want any of the drinks in the house.
4. Juicy Juice: The one drink brand that I found that I just love is Juicy Juice, any flavor. It doesn't have those artificial flavors and added sugar. It just taste smooth to me. I just hope when our little one is old enough to drink it also that I don't drink it all. :)
5. Candy???: I noticed right away that sugar has a whole different effect on me now. I tend to feel uneasy when I eat too much sugar so I haven't eaten as much candy as I used to, but I will occasionally have a snack. The few candies I have enjoyed are: push pops, cookies n' cream chocolate and peanut M&Ms.
6. MEAT: I have always loved meat but man do I want it now, more then ever. If I had to say I had a craving it would be for any type of meat. I think I have wanted a hamburger at least every other day. Which it seems is my bodies way of telling me something because at our last doctors appointment the RN told us that my protein levels were off and I need to get more daily protein. So bring on the meat.
I think that is about it. Besides those I just eat when I need to and whatever is available. I haven't found anything yet that I just don't want to eat. I was never really a picky eater before and that hasn't changed much. Maybe something will come up with time.
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
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