Here is what the babycenter.com has to say about week 16. Baby is getting big.
As for me:
My belly is getting so much bigger now. I have noticed more and more now that my stomach is much bigger and you can certainly tell I am pregnant now. Along with that is the feel of the baby also. I am starting to feel the pressure or resistance when I am bending over or stretching now. It is amazing and uncomfortable at the same time. I like to feel the baby that way, just don't like the idea that I won't be able to easily bend and do stuff any more. But it is worth it.
I am starting to gain the right amount of weight now. Before I was pregnant (thankfully I used Wii Fit the day before I supposedly conceived so we know my real weight) I weighted in at 131. I am now at 141 and growing steadily. I am suppose to gain another 15-20 before my due date so hopefully I can progress like I have been so far. Good thing is though since I have been working out and keeping in shape we believe the weight is going where it needs to, right to the baby and I am staying fit.
Oh I am starting to feel what they call round ligament pain. ... It is a brief, sharp, stabbing pain or a longer-lasting dull ache that pregnant women commonly feel in the lower abdomen or groin. The round ligaments surround your uterus in your pelvis. As your uterus grows during pregnancy, the ligaments stretch and thicken to accommodate and support it. These changes can occasionally cause pain on one or both sides of your abdomen ... I started to have some of those pains at the start of my second trimester. It would just come as a pinch that would last only 2 seconds and would come ever so often for about 2-3 hours then stop. I wouldn't feel them again for a few days. But they would come as I moved around (sat down, stood up, twisted). I wouldn't even really call it pain, just a slight pinch. I had read somewhere once that it was just a sign the uterus was growing with the baby so I haven't worried about it at all.
Fun Stuff!!!
Well that is where we are today. Stick with us for more exciting developments with our baby boy/girl/monkey.
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
Fun Stuff!!!
Well that is where we are today. Stick with us for more exciting developments with our baby boy/girl/monkey.
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer
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