The Daddy Boot Camp is just for dads and what it does is it helps to prepare the dads to be with valuable information about being a dad. They help show what the roles and expectations of a dad is. A point that hit home was the demonstrations of what happens when you shake a baby.
Basically, the facilitator placed an egg in a Tupperware contained and then asked for volunteers to give it one good shake. Even though we knew what would happen, some of the guys wouldn’t shake it hard enough to break the egg. I think it was a psychological thing. But after being urged on and really brining to life the scenario, they did it. After that, we had a discussion about it, and what we found out is that, most times when a baby is shaken it’s because the person is frustrated. And they are frustrated because they weren’t prepared and didn’t know what to expect. It was eye opening.
In the Boot Camp, we watched videos, had discussions and went through different interactive activities. This camp was just really starting up here in Orlando, but at other camps, experienced dads would bring their baby(s) into the class, so that the new dads would get hands on experience holding a baby correctly, learning how to properly change a diaper, and swaddling a baby. Side note, I got an F the first time I tried to swaddle a baby *lol* Guys can be real tough.
Since the Boot Camp was guys only, it was a comfortable environment for everyone. Once everyone got thru the introductions, it was clear that all the guys had pretty much the same fears and sharing then became so easy. At first, the seats were all in a straight line, by the end, it was a tight circle.
We all already said that we will be coming back after our sons and daughters were born to share our experiences with the new dads to be. We will be carrying the kids.
Daddy Boot Camp, it’s one of those experiences in life that you really don’t want to miss out on.
Peace Out Folks
Chris C

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