Actually week 36 has started on a pretty good note. Chris and I had an awesome weekend going through baby stuff and putting together a few last minute touches. Including putting together the stroller ... YEAH! We also got a mattress for our crib and tested out our baby monitor system. Everything is working great.
Today I had my weekly check up with Alice at the Birthing Cottage and surprise surprise ... I didn't get yelled at. That was refreshing. Since it is getting close to 'go time' I came prepared with a few last minute questions and concerns, all of which were answered and I feel more prepared every moment. The best news of all was that next week after our weekly appointment I will be taken off of bed rest completely. Since I will be in my 37th week and it is safe to deliver she sees no reason to stay in bed and restricted. So no more meds, no more bed, I can finally get up and give in to the pressure of the nesting phase.
But don't worry, I will be sure to post ASAP if anything changes. As of right now, both Ty and myself are fine and relaxing.
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