Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ty Month 1

Can you believe it, Ty is all of 1 month already!! I know, it's hard to believe that it's been a whole month since he was born. I still remember Phil waking me up because of the contractions, me writing them down, us deciding when was the the time to call the birthing cottage and us going there. The next thing we knew, they sent us home to relax, 3 hours later or so we were back there and 30 minutes or so out came our son. Wow, amazing.

From when we got home to now, Ty has grown quite a bit. He's cooing more and more. He's lifting his head and pushing with his legs. He's turning his head and looking at you when you talk. He's giving us smiles, which I think is my favorite right now.

Ty has definitely added even more joy to our lives. Our nights tend to be a little longer, but it is so worth it. Babies ARE Gifts from God.

Here are some stats on Ty:

Born September 2, 2009 @ 9:02pm
Birth length: 19inches
Birth weight: 6lbs 10oz
Wk 1 weight: 6lbs 7oz
Wk 2 weight: 6lbs 7oz
Wk 3 weight: 7lbs 8oz
Wk 5 weight: 10lbs 8oz

Always keep us in your prayers and stay tuned.

Peace Out Folks
Chris C

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lil Monkey Week 2

Today marks 2 weeks for our lil monkey. It was been so awesome spending time with him and watching him grow.

Lots has happened over the past week:

  • My breast milk has finally completely come in so feedings are a breeze now and we aren't worried anymore about him getting enough to eat.

  • His skin complexion is getting a little darker. We can tell he is going to be pretty light but he is getting a little color now.

  • He has a few awake periods here and there where we get a chance to play and talk with him. He certainly does still sleep a lot but we get some time here and there to get to know him.

  • We can't tell exactly how much but it is clear he is growing and gaining weight. He no longer fits his newborn onesies and is starting to almost fill in the next size up, but still has plenty of room to grow with them. We have a doctor appointment this afternoon and will find out his new weight then. When he was born he was 6 lbs 10 ozs and at his last appointment he only went down to 6 lbs 7 ozs. It is expected for newborns to actually lose weight at first so that was okay. Now we are hoping that he has at least put that weight back on if not gained more.

  • Oh and he is making the cutest noises when he sleeps. Even caught him laughing in his sleep a few times. Okay so I know they aren't real laughs yet, but they were still adorable. Gotta love him.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lil Monkey Week 1

Alright folks. As you know by now our little Ty has made his appearance and is now functioning out in the real world. Like most moms I want to share each and every little detail about my perfect little angel so we begin our documentary today by sharing our experience of the first week of his life.

Firstly, becoming parents for both Chris and I has been an awesome, beautiful and trying experience. Any first time parent will tell you that the first week is a hard journey that takes patients, endurance, strength, courage, determination, encouragement, support, prayers ... okay it takes a lot. We found that out for ourselves also this week.

It all started early Thursday morning when we left the birthing cottage and headed home with little Ty just 7 hours after his birth. That is a decision I would never change and so grateful we had the opportunity to do that. However, I will admit not having the extra helping hands of knowledgeable nursing staff was a little trying. But we pushed through and I really believe we became more confident and empowered after being able to survive that first night/morning on our own.

Learning how to handle, change, feed, bath and play with him has been great. Sure there isn't too much interaction besides the feeding and changing right now but Chris and I have learned to make the most of those moments and really capture his development. We really have seen tremendous growth in just this one week.

Our biggest fear this week was the beginning of each feeding. Little Ty is such a sleepy baby that it would at times take us almost an hour to wake him to eat. We of course were very concerned and scared that he would just keep sleeping and not get enough food. After consulting our pediatrician and hearing his advice we have been much more relaxed about it. Thankfully that problem didn't last too long. Once my breast milk came in and Ty began eating more he is more alert, active and has actually finally begun to wake up on his own when the time is right. Huge step for us.

Other than that the our little complete family has been bonding and sharing this time together getting to know each other and reform our family. We were blessed by Chris' family coming to spend the weekend with us and meet little Ty. It was so nice to see them and have them get to enjoy little Ty. But now Chris and I are back by ourselves and making real progress adjusting to our new lives as parents.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Our Body 37 Weeks

Well folks, this past Wednesday was an exciting step for us. We were finally declared to be full term and ready to deliver at 37 weeks. It has been an amazing journey and I have been waiting for this point so I can finally relax and be okay if Ty decided it was time to come out of his nestled area.

And what perfect timing because at 1:55 am that morning he decided he wanted to being his journey out. I woke up to the feeling of regular contractions. I laid in bed just tracking them for a while, before waking Chris up to tell him. We started actually documenting the contractions and they were coming every 5-7 minutes and lasting around :50 seconds each. So around 6:00 we made the call to my midwife and to our Douala and started to get ready to head to the birthing center.

Between me being slightly unmovable and in pain from the contractions we didn't arrive to the birthing center until 7:15 but Alice was there ready for us to start. She checked me and I was already at 4cm, which is huge because at our check up on Monday we discovered we had actually went from 3.5cm down to 2. So to be back up at 4 was very comforting. Once my Douala arrived we started our techniques, walking - squatting - bouncing on the ball and we managed to get to 5cm in just under 2 hours. We continued with those exercises for sometime however, they didn't have the same effect anymore. By 2:30pm we were still 5cm and my midwife decided that she didn't want us pushing it so she sent us home with strict instructions to get some sleep and take some medication to allow my body to relax. If we started up again we should call her and decide if we should head back.

We did just that, relaxed ... took the meds ... and sleep. At around 5:30 I woke up in the middle of some serious contractions. I shook Chris awake and we started tracking them again. We didn't take long this time because they were so strong and intense I knew it wouldn't be long. We made the call and started to head back to the Birthing Cottage. Let me tell you ... that was the longest car ride ever. Having contractions while stuck in the same position is evil. Everyone was already there waiting for us when we arrived and got checked ... I was at 8 cm. Wow, that was quick. First things first, we headed to the tub so I could 'relax' and labor in the tub. Yeah, it was anything but relaxing ... okay the warm water felt nice and there wasn't as much pressure but the contractions still kicked my butt. But we weren't in the tub for very long. While my midwife got the IV started for my antibiotics ... I continued to contract in the tub, my Douala supported me and Chris, bless his heart ran around being the greatest husband in the world. Just after the antibiotics kicked in and the IV removed I had the last contraction that I can remember. All I recall is looking at my Douala and screaming ... I HAVE TO PUSH ... I CAN'T STOP!!! I saw the panic in her face, and Chris' face and everyone scattered to find the midwife. She came and checked and said ... 'Yep, he's there and ready ... where do you want to push in the tub or in the bed?' All I could think of was that Chris did not want a tub birth so I said every so politely 'THE BED' (btw ... all caps means I can screaming).

We began yet another long and exhausting journey from the bathroom to the room. I never realized how big that place was until then. When we got to the room I first labored like I had hoped to, kneeling on the floor besides the bed. But after just a few moments and a few pushes it was clear that it really wasn't the best position for everyone that needed to work. So we changed and I got up on the bed. After then I can remember about 4-5 real pushes and then a lot of commotion telling me to stop. I was told his head was out and was asked if I wanted to touch it. What did I say?? NO! Then I was asked if I wanted a mirrow to see him come out. Again, NO!. Finally I was given the okay to push again and he was out and placed on my tummy. WOW, shocked, amazed, confused and wow. It was over ... 19 hours of labor and 12 minutes of pushing with no pain meds at all. Born at 9:02 on 09/02 and was a whopping 6 lbs 10 oz and 19 inches long. Wow.

Would I change a thing ... no. Would I do it again ... later ... much much much much later.

Since then we have been trying to adjust. We arrived home about 7 hours later at 4am and starting or life as new parents. So far so good. He has already had his first doctor visit and was checked out A-OK. Now the real fun begins.

Stay tuned as we now track his progress throughout his first year of life.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Week 37 Belly Shot...

Today we are officially considered full term. We are 37 weeks. What does this mean? This means that Ty could arrive at anytime now and we wouldn't be doing anything to stop him. So, it's really just a waiting game now. Can you feel the excitement?

It's really been awhile since the last belly shot I took. The last one was back at 25 weeks, then we did the Babies R Us photographs at 30 weeks and now here we are. Having this journal have really been awesome because we can go back and read and see where we were and the different things we were experiencing. I was thinking the other day how exciting it will be to sit with Ty and show him this and show him mommy and daddy's journey and his first ultrasound picture and video and just everything about his birth.

Wow, so here we are, week 37. Lord, You truly have watched over us and protected us. Lord, You are an Awesome God. Lord, we continue to praise and worship You.

Okay folks, here's Phil at 37 weeks. Might be the last belly shot before Ty :)

42 Inches

Peace Out Folks
Chris C