Today we are officially considered full term. We are 37 weeks. What does this mean? This means that Ty could arrive at anytime now and we wouldn't be doing anything to stop him. So, it's really just a waiting game now. Can you feel the excitement?
It's really been awhile since the last belly shot I took. The last one was back at 25 weeks, then we did the Babies R Us photographs at 30 weeks and now here we are. Having this journal have really been awesome because we can go back and read and see where we were and the different things we were experiencing. I was thinking the other day how exciting it will be to sit with Ty and show him this and show him mommy and daddy's journey and his first ultrasound picture and video and just everything about his birth.
Wow, so here we are, week 37. Lord, You truly have watched over us and protected us. Lord, You are an Awesome God. Lord, we continue to praise and worship You.
Okay folks, here's Phil at 37 weeks. Might be the last belly shot before Ty :)
It's really been awhile since the last belly shot I took. The last one was back at 25 weeks, then we did the Babies R Us photographs at 30 weeks and now here we are. Having this journal have really been awesome because we can go back and read and see where we were and the different things we were experiencing. I was thinking the other day how exciting it will be to sit with Ty and show him this and show him mommy and daddy's journey and his first ultrasound picture and video and just everything about his birth.
Wow, so here we are, week 37. Lord, You truly have watched over us and protected us. Lord, You are an Awesome God. Lord, we continue to praise and worship You.
Okay folks, here's Phil at 37 weeks. Might be the last belly shot before Ty :)
Peace Out Folks
Chris C
Chris C
I love it!! Phil, you are a beautiful pregnant woman!