Monday, December 13, 2010

Not As Expected

Since leaving our last prenatal appointment I have been feeling this little one moving around like a champ. I was concerned for a few weeks there because with Ty I could feel him from around 16 weeks. It took us until 18 weeks before I felt this baby moving. They say typically you can feel your second baby moving sooner but I guess we are out to prove all the stats wrong. Let's recap all the stuff that haven't happened like they say.

Weight Gain: I am supposed to gain more weight with the second baby and faster. That is a big negative. At this point I have gain less than half the weight I did with Ty.

Showing sooner: Last week is the first time I feel that the outside world could finally see that I am actually telling the truth about this pregnancy. I may not have been huge with Ty but I know for certain you would question my status around 14/15 weeks.

Feeling the baby move: Already stated, just recently starting to feel the baby move. In fact I remember that Chris was able to feel the baby move weeks after I could and he felt Ty around 18 weeks. I am not 20 and Chris felt this baby move for the first time last night. Awesome experience. You should have seen his face.

Less engaged in the development: Okay I have to give you this one. They say with that with each child you have the excitement and hype is just not as strong. I would have to agree. We are certainly excited but I don't think we have done as much this time around. And time seems to be going a lot faster also.

Overall, not the pregnancy experience that I have been expecting but I am not complaining at all. I will take the smaller stomach, smaller weight gain and actually less creepy baby movement anytime.

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