Friday, October 1, 2010

Nine Weeks and WE HAVE A MIDWIFE!!!

So after weeks of searching we have finally found a midwife that will work with us. After much praying and consideration we have decided to go with BirthCare midwives in Virginia. The only condition is that my sister law would need to come with my to all my appointments so I don't have to drive alone.

I just can't believe we are already into our ninth week. This time around is just so different from with Ty. Because I have him, I am working full time and now I have a home that I need to up keep it is much harder on my. I am much more tired and weak ... oh and hungry.

There are some things that are similar though. Mainly my need for cheese and meat. I can't tell you how many cheese burgers I have had in the past two weeks. It is crazy.

I don't remember, but I am about to look back to Ty's blog, but I don't think I started to show this early last time. It is not huge and most people probably wouldn't see it but I can certainly feel and see it.

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