Last night I experienced the most amazing thing. I was on the computer while Phil was in the bed and we were talking, Phil gave that tell tale facial expression which I have come to know it as "Baby Movement Face". That's when the baby, Our Lil' Monkey, decides to flip around or just take a lap or two in Phil's stomach and Phil hasn't gotten used to it yet, so she gives this
weird face. It's funnier when we are walking because she would literally just stop, then after the baby stops doing it's thing, then she'll start walking again. Well, no matter how much Phil felt it, I was never able to feel it.
Well, last night, for some reason, Our Lil' Monkey was up and around and bouncing off the walls. So I get off the computer to rub Phil's belly down with some cocoa butter and there it happened. I felt Our Lil' Monkey move! I think I have felt little twitches I guess before, but nothing where I could say yes i felt that. This time however, I mean baby was a moving. At one point I mean it was distinct, yes i felt that.
So we get out our little heart listener. What's that you ask? It's a small device that comes with 2 headsets which plugs in and then it has an amplifier that when the baby is in the right place you can hear its heartbeat and you can hear the movements. You can even record it. They say that the third trimester is better to hear, but we have picked up the heart beat and movement on it. Last night, wow, it was a party in there. Our Lil' Monkey was rocking out! I heard him just moving around like crazy. Then this morning again, we woke up and Our Lil' Monkey woke up to. I can't wait to the point where I can see him moving. Oh, I can't wait till we do our big Ultrasound and we see him and find out if Our Lil' Monkey will be on the Pink Team or the Blue Team.
Simply Amazing!
While we were in Ft. Myers, we were in our room and we were listening to some worship music. It was so spirit filling as we laid there together singing and we had the player on Phil's stomach and I was holding them, that I just started crying and just felt so lead to pray for my wife and Our Lil' Monkey and us.
Lord, I know You heard our cry and our prayers. I am still crying out to You to be with Phil and Our Lil' Monkey and us. Protect us, Provide for us, give us wisdom to be great and
discerning parents and help us to give Our Lil' Monkey a foundation of Your Word and Spirit. Amen.
Peace Out Folks
Chris C.