I tell you what, I have a text book pregnancy because as soon as that third trimester hit I got everything they said I should. My mobility has been so limited it's not funny. At least the babycenter.com's description of week 28 isn't all that bad and baby boy is getting big now.
I have really accepted and grown accustomed to being on bed rest now, which actually isn't all that bad any more. I just have to make sure I take the time to stretch my muscles out a few times a day so I don't get all cramped up. Keep the blood flowing.
I think little Ty is going through a lot of growth this past week because I have been wiped out each night, sleeping so long and very hard because it takes a lot to wake me up. And that is even with an hour or two nap in the day. His kicks and movements have gotten much stronger lately, but not strong enough to wake me up. I did however have a weird dream about watching my belly while he was kicking and now that I think about it I think it was him moving around for real and it was so strong that it appeared in my dream. Silly baby.
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