Wow, what a week we have had. I am sure by now you have read Chris' post from Monday regarding our emergency room experience and the results. Man it has been crazy. Here is a little update on how Ty and I are doing.
This week we hit the big 30, I can't believe it either. I know so much time has passed but I doesn't seem that long ago that we made the announcement that we were pregnant, now we are 3 quarters of the way done. With all that is happening, right now my goal is to make it at least the next 7 weeks, any more than that would be great also. Sounds like Ty may be growing at an awesome rate. According to
Week 30 on babycenter.com he should be almost 3 pounds, however the ultrasound we had done this weekend puts him at more like 3.3 pounds. Awesome, you go Ty.
Exciting news: We do not have to change doctors, I can stay with the Birthing Cottage for now. Even with all we are going through we still aren't considered high risk enough to have to change doctors. We went in to see Alice Monday morning and she was able to do her own check up and access our situation. She has of course put me back on bed rest, this time a little more stricter then the last and has prescribed a medication to help reduce and/or stop my contractions. It has only been 3 days now, but it already feels so different from the last bed rest. After the stress and excitement of this weekend and then starting this new bed rest my body is far weaker then it has been in weeks. But I have found some sources describing different bed rest exercise I can do to maintain strength in some places. Hopefully I can start those soon, after I check with Alice.
Highlight of my week so far: Chris, in less than an hour, has put up the new crib beside our bed. Looks awesome and make me even more excited to see our little monkey.
Peace Out
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