So we reached Paternal Impressions and I have to say that man it was cool in there. It was all mood lighting and scented candle. The flat screen television was looping a promotional video showing some parents getting to see their baby by 3D/4D ultrasound. The walls were decorated with different infant pictures, they were all so adorable.
Well, it was our turn and the technician carried us to the room which was very roomy and inviting and mood lit and scented candles. The ambiance was very relaxing. Their machine was hooked up to a projector, so it was almost like a movie theatre. Phil's bed was soft but firm and it was a little more elevated than a standard bed. We went through all that's expected with the package and it was good. The tech entered in all the information about Phil and Ty, started the music and dvd recorder. We get a dvd of all of the session. And we started.
In the 2D ultrasound, we saw Ty, his feet, arms, fingers, just everything that the 2D ultrasound would show, but we were here to get a sneak peek at our lil Monkey. Well, the tech switched over to the 3D ultrasound and well, Ty's thought about the whole situation was, ummm nope, not today. His hands were in front of his face the entire session. It was almost so funny.
Oh well. We'll see what happens next week. We got to reschedule because they couldn't get good shots or video. All good. So we'll just have to wait a little bit to try again.
Peace Out Folks
Chris C
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