So what all happened? So, remember how Phil had to be on bed rest? Then she was taken off of the bed rest for 2 weeks, if not just click the links to get caught up. Anyways, so earlier this week Phil got the all clear to basically go back "normal" with her life :) without doing any crazy stuff. Well, Friday, you know we married folks have "needs" and enjoy each other, so before we did anything, we called our midwife to check and make sure sex was ok and we got the all clear. Well, Phil started to have contractions so we stopped, and so the contractions stopped. The day went on with little contractions here and there. Nothing to really write home about.
That evening we had our birthing classes. During the class, she started having some more contractions just alittle too frequent. I really think that the chairs help cause that. They were so hard and uncomfortable, but I digress. Phil went to the bathroom and comes back and juts something down on the writing pad, I saw a little pink spot. I said, okay, do you want to go to the ER after class? She said yes, and so we did.
In the ER, we got through pretty fast. I think we spent maybe 5-10 minutes and then they wheel-chaired Phil up to L&D (labor and delivery). When we got there, they immediately hooked Phil up to the monitors to measure her contractions and another to measure Ty's heart rate. Oh that right there was entertaining. First of all, Ty is all good. It's just that it took 3 nurses 15-20 mins to find his heartbeat. He was moving so much that they couldn't get a good reading. And so when ever they would come in, me and Phil would watch the clock to see how long it would take. All the nurses know about Ty.
They gave Phil a shot of Tribunaline, I think that's how you spell it. Basically, it's to settle the contractions of the uterus. Now, there is another test that they need to do, can't remember the name right now, but it's to detect a chemical that is present when you're near delivery. If it's positive, then we'll be having Ty earlier than we would want and be considered high risk. If it's negative then Ty will be staying put and Phil will be on bed rest. Because we had sex earlier that day and they did other tests, we had to wait 24hrs before they could do it. So that would mean staying over till Sunday..........................................
Okay, so literally not 5 minutes ago, the doctor came in and gave us the test results, it was negative. Thank You Lord! So we, or rather I will be packing up our stuff and heading home. Tomorrow we got to the doctor to go over some things.
Wow, this has been the longest we have ever been at the hospital. Wow. Okay, time to go folks. Later.
Oh definitely there will be some special stuff this Friday :) Check us out.
Peace Out Folks
Chris C
Glad all is ok.
No sex for you! (think soup nazi guy voice)
Ha ha, we have learned our lesson. Trust me, we are being extra careful from now on.