Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So here we are, a little over 2 weeks before the 'safe' delivery time (37 weeks) and I am have been placed on STRICT bed rest. This order comes from my midwife during yesterdays appointment where I got hammered for apparently not behaving while on partial bed rest. I told her what all I had been doing and what I haven't been doing but my cervix doesn't lie. We are now about 3.5 cm dilated and 90% effaced which according to her is what most people are at when they are in labor. So now I am at the point where I can't do anything except use the rest room and shower. I can't make my own meals, no church, no nothing. So I am here online all day and reading books. I guess I can't complain because i will need the energy for the delivery, but I feel I am actually losing more energy and strength by staying here. Believe you me though, I am not moving from this bed for nothing ... well at least for the next 2 weeks and 1 day ... :)


  1. I TOLD you you were doing too much!!!! urgh
    Well at least thankfully you have not gone into active labor yet and I'm glad she caught it when she did.

    Hang in there chica. You can do it! You'll get those legs stretched out in plenty of time.

    Are they going to schedule you for sure once you hit 37 weeks? Or will they let it happen naturally?

  2. Blah blah, everyone says the same. Well I am stuck in bed for sure now. No they wont induce me or anything at 37, still let it happen naturally, but they honeslty said they would be surprised if we made it. But I will prove them wrong.

  3. Prove them wrong!!! And, yea, I know. Blah blah we all say the same and you're sick of it I'm sure. But, we're right. :-P lol
