Friday, May 15, 2009

My Body Week 21 ... Are We There Yet?

Okay, I think Chris, myself and the baby have stepped into some weird time warp thingy where time just seems to slow down way too much. Now that we are finally more then half way through it seems to be taken forever. Not only with us, but the baby also. Well the babies growth is started to slow down significantly and now its mainly just focused on getting some fat. There's more going on in there, check it out at, week 21.

As for me, at some point during the week along my usual outings and adventures someone hit me with a fairy heartburn stick. So sweet!!! So every night now after 7pm I get these immense waves of heart burn in my upper chest and throat. Oh but don't worry about me ... its for the baby.

And if you haven't noticed, the babies movements, yeah they creep my out. But to make it even better, now we can actually see my belly move when it kicks. CREEPY!!! Just wait until we can actually make out body parts. I told Chris when that starts I will just put up a pillow on my chest so he can see it but I can't. :)
Oh and can someone please get me some WATERMELON!!! Lots of it.


  1. lol ~ too funny. I hear ya on the heartburn, I had to sleep sitting up. And the movement! Yikes! I always thought of Aliens... ahhh...

  2. Oh man, it is good to hear I am not alone with the aliens thing. I don't want little Ty to think I am grossed out by him, but his little kicks and jerks and just so hard to get used to.
