Friday, May 22, 2009

My Body Week 22

Now into my 22nd week and I had a revelation this week ... I am ready to be a mother. I know it is a little late in the game to finally get to this point, but hey better late then never. I think it finally hit my this past Tuesday when Chris and I attended a breastfeeding class held at Babies R Us. We arrived about 15 minutes early so we cruised around the store scanning more random stuff to add to our registry then headed to the class location. There were approximately 5 other pregos at the class and 1 other guy. It was a simple class, with a video and then additional info by Meg, a lactation specialist and mid-wife. She was pretty cool, relaxed and informative. But anyways ... I'm rambling ... it was during the class that I began to envision breastfeeding and taking care of little Ty and I started to feel all motherly and get excited. FINALLY!!!

The little monkey is starting to grow even more. He weights around a pound now (yeah ... no more just ounces). Oh and his eye lids are forming ... cute. Check it out here on week 22.

As for me ... well I am not all that great.

As for the pregnancy, I am doing pretty good. The most exciting mile stone for me this week is I am starting to feel those fun and exciting braxton hicks contractions. I had one really strong one this past weekend, but they are mostly just uncomfortable and weird. Chris got to feel my stomach during one and felt on tight and hard it got.

I am not that great because of my forever hurting tooth. It has gotten progressively worse to the point where it is unbearable now. I made poor Chris have to leave a movie we paid for (no refunds) after only 15 minutes into because the pain was so bad. Good news is that I finally spoke directly with someone at Medicaid regarding my account specifically and I have a higher level of Medicaid then I thought and I now have the name and number of the specialist that will be able to do the procedure I need, probably next week. I will have to tough it out for this weekend, but knowing that the end is near makes it just slightly easier.

I really have to give God the praise and glory for this one. I was really reaching out to Him for this and just when I felt I reached my limit I received the news and answer to my prayers. God is awesome.

Peace Out

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