Friday, April 10, 2009

Week 16 Belly Shot...

Folks, it's that time again, Philippa's belly shot. Cute huh? Well, we are at 16 weeks now and counting, and all's well. We are anxiously awaiting the big ultra sound around week 20. We still have a a little bit more time to go and we can't wait. I think we have a couple of things to help pass the time till then. We have a baby registry workshop at Babies R Us this Saturday. This is going to fun. It'll be me, Phil, and her mom. Basically, we'll be going there and they'll be guiding us on how to do the registering and some key items to get. Okay, all this stuff is what I'm thinking will happen. Then on Wednesday we are going on a tour of one of the three hospitals where we can birth at. We'll be touring Winnie Palmer Hospital. From what we heard, this is the place to give birth. They are recently remodeled and everything there is like new and just great. We'll see. We'll let you know how that goes. Then, well, nothing till the next doctor appointment :)

So, how's Phil doing now? She's doing very well. She goes through these periods of just craving somethings. One moment it's meat, then candy, then grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. It's really funny. We'll be adding her waist measurements with each of the belly shots now, so you can have an idea and see her belly growth. She also says she's feeling the little baby moving around. How cool is that!!! Wow!

Lord, this is the time we remember your sacrifice and Blood shed for us on Calvary. Lord, because of Your Blood, we were set free and we are healed and covered. Lord, I just ask for Your Blood to cover Phil, the baby, and myself. I ask for Your help, strength and health over Phil and the baby, and we claim You as our Savior, Healer and Provider and Protector. Amen.

35 inchs

Peace Out Folks
Chris C.


  1. Awww...she's feeling the baby move? Ask her if it feels like a bubble popping?

  2. Man, feeling the baby move is just plain creepy. I feel little sudden movements here and there which I can handle for now but it is the major movements that get to me. When he/she completly flips over it feels like my stomach is about to fall out. So weird. I have to stop everything I am doing until they are finished their move

  3. Keep warm, and comfortable. Chris keep her smiling even when she is wrong, just say yes dear..Stay blessed the both of you. Love Steve & Julie-Ann

  4. Ok, that's nothing. Wait until much much later and you see your belly moving and it looks like a lil snake crawling around. hahaha It's great! ;)
