Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Body Week 25

Ladies and gentlemen, we have successfully passed another week and Ty is growing strong. We have hit a lot of crazy little pot holes in the road to delivery lately but I am hoping things will start smoothing out now. We have received a tremendous amount of support from family and friends and it is just awesome. Thanks so much guys.

We of course are still following and assume that our baby is developing just on schedule with the what they say is happening ... just makes it easier for us. Week 25 talks about Ty getting a little chunkier now and putting on some baby fat. How cute!!!

As for me, I am starting to get a hang of this bed rest deal and making the most of my time. Still eating well and have been able to really monitor and maintain my weight. Been spending my time counting baby kicks but since I have been on bed rest his kicking habits have changed a lot so now I have to get used to an all new pattern.

Oh I do have the lovely experience of heartburn again now. For the past 5 nights it comes on at about 7pm and lingers until at least 11pm. Hopefully I am able to fall asleep early and miss half of it. A lot of it is due to the bed rest. Even though I am not laying down after I eat, I am so in active my food just isn't digesting fast enough. Good thing, I am not as hungry any more, but thing is stomach acid in the throat ... OUCH!!!
Peace Out

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