Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Our Most Recent Prenatal Visit

Okay so Chris and I were talking about it and we have lost track of what number prenatal visit we are on so we will just go with ... our latest visit. Yesterday we had a visit with Alice our Midwife at the birthing cottage to check on how little Ty is doing and how I am doing with the pregnancy. I have to say that it was a real encouraging and well spent visit. Here are my high points of the visit:

Urine test: Tests for Glucose, Protein, Bilirubin, Ketone, Specific Gravity, Blood, pH, Urobilinogen, Nitrite, Leukocytes. I must be drinking a lot of water because all of the results were good.

Weight: Even on bed rest and not being active, my weight was great. Since that dreadful visit a few weeks back when I had gained too much weight in one month I have actually lost 1.5 pounds. But the baby is still growing and health. :)

Babies heart rate: Still strong and beating loud and clear. Although it did take the student aide a little while to find it. Luckily the baby was moving just before that point so I knew he was fine.

Chances of preterm labor: Are pretty low. While there are some issues, it is not bad as we originally thought.

While I am still on bed rest and my cervix is still dilated the chances of something going wrong are very slim. My cervix is no 1cm dilated (10cm is when it is time to push the baby out) but it is not effaced, or shortening. The midwife explained that there are several women that have gone for weeks/months being 5cm dilated and baby still was healthy and went to full term. Even if I continue to dilate slowing over the next 11 weeks I should still be okay unless I start experience real contractions and other symptoms. So I am not worried. Just chillin in bed, catching up with friends and knitting my little projects.

Peace Out

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