Friday, February 6, 2009

Busy Day Today

Today I am finally getting out of the house. I have been home all day every day this week since I came back from my cousins house this weekend. I think the couch has started to taken my shape. That's sad.

So in a few hours Chris and I will be heading out the mall ... no not for shopping, but to get a job. I decided it might work out just fine for me to work in the mall somewhere and start making a few dollars. I am thinking Victoria's Secret would work out just fine right now.

After that we are going to get some lunch then watch a movie. We are still deciding between watching Push and Corline. I guess it will come down to which movie starts around the time we get there.

And then ... more still ... after that we are going to come home and change our clothes and get ready to head over to Derricks for more Frianime (Friday night Anime with Friends).

All sounds fun.

Good thing is I haven't felt as nauseous lately so hopefully a full day of activity doesn't disturb it.

Peace Out,
Philippa Channer

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