Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Body Week 9

Hey everyone. So we have made it nine weeks so far and still going strong ... I think. Well here is my baby update from According to them here we are at week 9.

What am I going through:
Well I think since Chris got his job on Monday I am little less stressed out and relaxed more. I have actually started to get more energy also. I am not as tired. I don't really need to sleep that much during the day any more but I do sleep a lot during the night. I guess I am sleeping enough now.
I am still extremely nauseous with it getting progressively worse as the day goes on. I actually did vomit again last night. Gross thing was I could test all the different things I ate for dinner as it came up ... (Sorry about that, just had to share).
Now I am just excited to see what we discover at the ultra sound appointment tomorrow. Still nervous to hear why my uterus is 'small.'
Peace Out,
Philippa Channer


  1. Phil,
    I undertstand why you would feel nervous, but I'm trusting God that all is well. Know that we are praying for you all and believing God for the best. Love you and miss you.


  2. Thanks Sis, and it's always great talking with you. A brother couldn't ask for a cooler and more awesome sister. You're going to be the best aunty ever :)

  3. Ha ha Toya is going to be an Aunt ... how crazy is that??? Thanks Toya

  4. Wow, how fun to read and compare how I felt each week at the same stage. Yeah, it is about the same.
