Monday, March 23, 2009

Changes Had To Be Made

I just wanted to share with everyone that we had to make a huge decision and gave our cat up for adoption. It was a lot harder then I thought it would be, but it had to be done. Chris and I drove her there this afternoon and filled out the paperwork we needed. I think on the car ride there she knew what was happening. It was so sad. We are going to miss her. We had several reasons why we had to do it, but none of them mattered when we were saying our good byes. At least we have loads of pictures to remember her. Koneko 'Kitty' Channer.

Peace Out,
Philippa Channer


  1. Yes going to miss our Kitty. We had you from a kitten. You gave us laughs and tears, but through it all you were always our Kitty.

  2. I cry each time I see her pictures. It's so hard
